We help with your career goals, whether it involves job readiness, the actual job search, and how to keep a job once you are employed. Our free OpportunityJobCorps include job skills training, resume and interview assistance, access to job postings, and job search resources.
Every day you can come to work knowing you’re making life better for determined entrepreneurs in the developing world. OpportunityJobCoprs Services is looking for talented professionals to help us achieve our mission of empowering people living in poverty to transform their lives, their children’s futures and their communities.
Ready to change the world? OpportunityJobCorps is looking for extraordinary college students and recent graduates with a passion for making a difference. Interns have the opportunity to get hands-on experience in research or marketing and PR, supporting our efforts to break the cycle of poverty in the developing world. Summer internships require a minimum of 300 hours over 12 weeks, while fall/spring semester internships require at least 16 hours per week. All internships are unpaid.
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